Friday, April 27, 2012

Mildly delving into the TMI catagory....Read at your own risk....

34 Weeks
35 Weeks

The two pictures seen above are (obviously) my belly growth over the last two weeks. It is fascinating to me to see how weekly it can change. I feel like in two weeks I went from looking like I am having a girl (carrying round and kinda high....) to looking like I am having a boy (carrying lower and more pointy). Sean and I were looking at my belly yesterday, kind of...examining it, if you will. We noticed that I really haven't stretched any worse that what i had already been stretched with Peyton. I don't appear to have any NEW stretch marks which is nice....I find it strange that the underside of my belly doesn't appear to be tight, in fact it's rather loose....Sean and I aren't sure if that means i'm carrying the same as when I was pregnant with Peyton (since no new stretch marks) or different (which is why the underside of my belly isn't tighter). <br><br>

I had my 35 1/2 week check up today. I have only gained 9oz since my last appointment 2 weeks ago. For those keeping track of my weight gain....which would be super creepy....I've gained a total of 33lbs. I'll take that - I have 4 weeks left (give or take...), and I gained less than a pound in 2 weeks....So I'm still anticipating being under 40lbs..potentially under 35lbs! If you figure the baby weighs around 7lbs, the placenta and amniotic fluid is another 4lbs and uterus and extra blood supply is another 6lbs....totalling in about 15-17lbs of weight loss as soon as baby is born. Leaving only about 20lbs to lose....which based on how big my boobs have gotten (Currently in a 40DD and my milk hasn't even come in yet...) I bet they weigh 5lbs on their own so maybe I will only lose 15lbs which i would be ok with too. When they initially took my blood pressure it was REALLY high 143/77 and I was concerned bc last weekend my feet swelled up really bad and it was the first time I have ever in either of my pregnancies had a fear of preeclampsia. The corpsman switched arms and used a different BP cuff (which hurt like a B) and it read my BP as 107/65.   <br><br>

I saw Dr. Poole again (Yay!) - Fundal height is right on target and babyT's heartrate was at 140 (*boy range*). I had to have the Beta Strep test done today (a bacterial infection that pregnant women can get and pass to the baby) since I already had to be undressed from the waist down for the test he said he would check my cervix. He said i was a good fingertip dilated (which is 1cm)! So my body is def getting ready for BabyT's arrival! Granted, I could walk around at 1cm for 4 weeks but Doc said he didn't think I would go past my due date at the very least. Once I hit 37 weeks IT IS ON! So I have a little over a week and then no holds bar! Walk walk walk and....other natural ways to induce labor :-) Dr. Poole said he would strip my membranes at my appointment after I hit 37 weeks to help motivate me! <br><br>

After today - I am truly in "Go" mode - We finally got a non-damaged crib! So Sean will be putting that together tomorrow and I can finish up BabyT's room this upcoming week! I am nesting like WHOA right now esp knowing that in all reality BabyT could come ANY day now (probably still have AT LEAST 3 weeks). I am ready to get the house dusted, vacuumed, scrubbed and get it baby ready. It is honestly a bazaar and surreal feeling that this time next month we will have a new baby in the house.....

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