Friday, April 27, 2012

Mildly delving into the TMI catagory....Read at your own risk....

34 Weeks
35 Weeks

The two pictures seen above are (obviously) my belly growth over the last two weeks. It is fascinating to me to see how weekly it can change. I feel like in two weeks I went from looking like I am having a girl (carrying round and kinda high....) to looking like I am having a boy (carrying lower and more pointy). Sean and I were looking at my belly yesterday, kind of...examining it, if you will. We noticed that I really haven't stretched any worse that what i had already been stretched with Peyton. I don't appear to have any NEW stretch marks which is nice....I find it strange that the underside of my belly doesn't appear to be tight, in fact it's rather loose....Sean and I aren't sure if that means i'm carrying the same as when I was pregnant with Peyton (since no new stretch marks) or different (which is why the underside of my belly isn't tighter). <br><br>

I had my 35 1/2 week check up today. I have only gained 9oz since my last appointment 2 weeks ago. For those keeping track of my weight gain....which would be super creepy....I've gained a total of 33lbs. I'll take that - I have 4 weeks left (give or take...), and I gained less than a pound in 2 weeks....So I'm still anticipating being under 40lbs..potentially under 35lbs! If you figure the baby weighs around 7lbs, the placenta and amniotic fluid is another 4lbs and uterus and extra blood supply is another 6lbs....totalling in about 15-17lbs of weight loss as soon as baby is born. Leaving only about 20lbs to lose....which based on how big my boobs have gotten (Currently in a 40DD and my milk hasn't even come in yet...) I bet they weigh 5lbs on their own so maybe I will only lose 15lbs which i would be ok with too. When they initially took my blood pressure it was REALLY high 143/77 and I was concerned bc last weekend my feet swelled up really bad and it was the first time I have ever in either of my pregnancies had a fear of preeclampsia. The corpsman switched arms and used a different BP cuff (which hurt like a B) and it read my BP as 107/65.   <br><br>

I saw Dr. Poole again (Yay!) - Fundal height is right on target and babyT's heartrate was at 140 (*boy range*). I had to have the Beta Strep test done today (a bacterial infection that pregnant women can get and pass to the baby) since I already had to be undressed from the waist down for the test he said he would check my cervix. He said i was a good fingertip dilated (which is 1cm)! So my body is def getting ready for BabyT's arrival! Granted, I could walk around at 1cm for 4 weeks but Doc said he didn't think I would go past my due date at the very least. Once I hit 37 weeks IT IS ON! So I have a little over a week and then no holds bar! Walk walk walk and....other natural ways to induce labor :-) Dr. Poole said he would strip my membranes at my appointment after I hit 37 weeks to help motivate me! <br><br>

After today - I am truly in "Go" mode - We finally got a non-damaged crib! So Sean will be putting that together tomorrow and I can finish up BabyT's room this upcoming week! I am nesting like WHOA right now esp knowing that in all reality BabyT could come ANY day now (probably still have AT LEAST 3 weeks). I am ready to get the house dusted, vacuumed, scrubbed and get it baby ready. It is honestly a bazaar and surreal feeling that this time next month we will have a new baby in the house.....

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Illusive BabyT....

So I realize today (after a little pier pressure from friends) that I haven't blogged in 10wks...So I apologize to those who have been waiting for updates via blog and I have disappointed.
This blog i will post the most recent BabyT updates as well as just post a slew of belly pics (all of which can also be found on Facebook) throughout the last 10wks.

Most of you know that I was working a temp job for a little while which was nice to pass the time during my second trimester. It really made the time fly by. March 1st was my last day of work and it also coincided with the beginning of my third trimester (28wks) so I was able to stop working which was really nice. However, i seriously don't feel like i've stopped moving/going/doing since then. My first week out of work I had basically back to back appointments. One of which being my 28wk check up. BabyT's HR was in the mid-high 130's (for those gender guessing that is "boy range") and my fundal height (cm from pelvic bone to the top of the uterus and after 20wks is supposed to be equal to however many weeks you are) was measuring 30cm....which either means big baby or stretched out uterus. The idea of a big baby makes me nervous. Sean was 7lbs even, I was 7lbs 11oz and Peyton was 7lbs I had initially anticipated a 7lb-7.5lbs baby, this gave me reason to rethink that.....

Then at 31wks I got sick, again with the bronchitis type feeling, chesty cough, runny nose, groggy etc so i went into the Dr. again to make sure everything sounded clear and my ears were clear (since the last time I got sick with this mess I got an ear infection) - I ended up seeing the midwife bc she was the only one that had open appointments that week. She said everything sounded clear (of course as soon as I left my chest got all stuffy again.....), listened to the heartbeat (she actually ASKED me if i was having a boy bc HR was 136....) and measured the fundal height. This time I was measuring 32.5cm. She actually said "Whoa, big baby..." which again - made me super nervous. Upon further research and asking the dr's WHAT exactly this would mean for me, BabyT and the rest of my pregnancy. From what i was told, they would continue to monitor and document the FH and if closer to fullterm (36+wks) I am still measuring 1.5-2wks bigger than I should be they would put in for a special ultra sound to measure the baby/amniotic fluid to determine baby's size.

Through-out the month of March my BFF Beka came to visit and my Mom did too. My friends gave us a great shower and truly (pardon the pun) showered us with so many wonderful gifts. We are so lucky and thankful to have the friends(family)to share events like that with. The first week in April (aka last week) we took a nice family vacation to Monterey/Carmel Valley to visit some family friends and to get out of hanford for a few days while Peyton was on Spring Break. We had such a wonderful time going to Santa Cruz beach boardwalk, the Monterey Bay Aquarium and Fishermans Wharf. We truly enjoy our time in that area, Cindy and Ted are fantastic hosts and it doesn't hurt that Ted is (literally) an amazing chef so any meals eaten at home are nothing short of delicious! We also used this time off to have another 3D ultrasound (see BabyT's facebook album) and had our family/maternity photos done by a good friend/Amazing photographer Julie O'kelly ( ).

This brings us to today - 33 1/2 week check up! Got to see Dr. Poole (one of my favorite OB's on the base) he asked me if i had any questions - my first question was about my hands going numb when im sleeping, apparently at this stage of pregnancy as long as it's not associated with other symptoms it isn't anything to be alarmed with and is relatively normal. FH was at 33.5! Woohoo for everything evening out (i'm 33wks 2days today so that's as close as we're going to get) HR was at....146 (again, for those keeping track of gender hints....this is now back to "girl range") He felt around for the baby's positioning and it seems to be heading in the "head down" position! BabyT's head is kinda angled next to my right hip, so not in the transverse position but not quite head down yet. We have some time left so that isn't anything to be too worried with just yet. Things are quickly coming to an end and it's really starting to hit me. We have the nursery painted, all the gifts we have received have been put in the baby's room (they are not put away yet but that is bc we still have to set up the crib and some shelving, they are all separated by type of baby item. i.e bath stuff, diaper stuff, toys, blankets etc). I still have a list of things that need to be done....set up the crib, hang the floating shelves, finish the blanket I'm making and wash all the diapers (bc we're using cloth Gdiapers!) and baby clothes. I will try to be more diligent with blogging over the next few weeks to keep everyone on the up and up. Keep in mind from here on out it will get a little more graphic as they will start checking for dilation etc at my next appointment so my next few blog posts will not be for the faint of heart :-) -I named this blog the Illusive BabyT as I am convinced that this baby is totally on board with it's gender being a secret - there is no photographic evidence of the gender of our baby. For as many ultrasounds as we have had (3D and otherwise) this kiddo has not made one attempt to turn around and show us the goods (not that we have encouraged or provoked it to...) and all the old wives tales can't narrow it down just right. HR keeps changing speed and i feel like one week i'm carrying high and all over and the next week i'm lower and more straight out....6 1/2 more weeks or less and we will all know!

Until then - here are a few progressional belly pictures from over the last few weeks!

22 Wks

23 wks

26 wks


32 weeks