Sunday, January 29, 2012

The realness is setting in...

At 22wk and 6days (23weeks tomorrow) I still every now and then "forget" I'm pregnant. As if the semi-regular fetal movement, lovely moodswings, cravings and frequent trips to the bathroom at all hours of the night wouldn't be enough to CONSTANTLY remind me! I think the reason is because we talked about "trying" for close to a year before we actually "tried" and I in that time before we started "trying" I was dealing with all the minor medical issues that revolved around us "trying", pregnancy has been on the forefront of my brain for like 18+months now...longest "pregnancy" ever!

So yesterday - we did something that made everything feel super real. We had a 3D ultrasound. It was so amazing. Normally they recommend you do the 3D u/s at 24-32 weeks based on the fact that the baby actually LOOKS more like a baby and has more distuinguishing features (i.e you can look and say "Oh it has your nose!" or "Dang, I hope it grows into that forehead!") but bc of Sean's work up schedule he's going to be in and out a lot until the baby comes so we wanted to get in ASAP. We may try again if he's home long enough in April when the baby is bigger...since it was so awesome! When we first got there apparently I didn't drink enough caffeine beforehand bc the baby was asleep...not only was the baby asleep but it was asleep with it's arm across it's face/head. It took us 10min just to jiggle the baby around to get it stirring so it would move it's arm. Apparently the placenta makes a great pillow bc thru the whole thing it was leaning its head against it trying to go back to sleep. It was so awesome to get to see it moving around and at one point it even was CLEARLY rubbing it's eyes and what looked like licking it's arm...we're not sure what that was about but it looked like a little cat grooming itself lol. At the bottom of the blog i will post a link to the U/S video so anyone who wants can watch it. *WARNING* it is a 20min video...more than half of it is us trying to get the baby to wake up so you HAVE to be patient bc if you try to "fast fwd to the good part" it messes up and will stop playing completely. However - here are some pictures just to give you an idea!

1. Baby sleeping with hands up around it's head.

2. Baby waking up and covering it's face with it's arms

3. Baby trying to go back to sleep (big puffy thing on its laying on is the placenta)

We also have started "collecting" things for the nursery which is super exciting. My good friend Katie who is super artsy and very talented painted us a picture to go in the nursery. I love it bc it has just enough "playfulness" to be baby/toddler appropriate (which means baby won't grow out of it right away) and helps add somemore colors to accent in the room. I think we finally picked out a color grey we liked for the walls at homedepot. Now all we have to do is start cleaning out the room and getting things organized! We also found a cute little elephant stuffed animal at Kohls on sale for $7 yesterday! Awesome find (and we weren't even looking) bc ALL the stuffed animals we've BEEN looking at have been either pink or blue, so we were super excited to get it!

1. Painting courtesy of Mrs. Katie Mitchell 2. "Trunks" the elephant (per Peyton's naming)

Next weeks goals - getting my registery started!

1 comment:

  1. I think that you are so cute and your baby is amazing! Peyton is going to be an awesome big brother and he/she is so blessed to have you all as a family!! <3 Can't wait until he or she is here and we know the sex and the name. :)
