Tuesday, December 13, 2011

16 weeks...aka 4months

Today marks 16 weeks. Officially hit 4months...still nothing TOO exciting to report although i suppose that is a good thing.
I decided to weigh myself to keep a record of sorts and I am hanging in strong at only gaining 11lbs so far and no weight gain since my appointment almost 2 weeks ago....so I would just like to say to the doctor that told me i would gain 50+lbs at the rate i was going.... she can suck it bc every pregnancy is different and I really haven't changed my eating habits THAT drastically (maintaining eating essentially what i want when i want). Apparently I just put on most of my weight up front....which i don't see as strange esp since right before i got pregnant i had been dieting and working out like crazy to get ready for hawaii...So I'd say my body was trying to get back to it's "comfy" weight!
As for cravings...seriously, breakfast. In the early weeks i couldn't get enough of eggs benedict (could have contributed to the 10lbs in 10weeks haha) and now for the past 2 weeks i have craved crepes/blintz's and pancakes! For whatever reason I can cook just about anything but i can't nail down soft, fluffy, sweet pancakes. So today, i gave in. Denny's has their new 2-4-6-8 menu...and for $2 (plus 10% military discount) i got 2 pancakes and then came home and made eggs and sausage...YUMMMM!!!
The other night while Sean and I were laying in bed Sean put his hand on my stomach (initially too high...I had to explain that the baby is in my uterus which has not grown above my bellybutton yet... :-D) and i felt TEENY TINY little kicks....everynow and again I think i feel them and then realize they were just gas - but this time they were clear concise and in the same spot on 2 different times within a few minutes of each other. Not a lot of activity since then but as of now the baby is still only the size of an avacado. I anticipate a lot more of that going on in the next few weeks which is exciting.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Houston...we have a bump...14w4d

Holy belly batman! WHERE did that thing come from??? "Welcome to the 2nd trimester Mrs. Toth...why don't we make you look SUPER preggo right..about...NOW!" you're welcome.

2nd trimester has begun and i am beginning to feel better all the way around. Had my monthly check up today....only up 1lbs from last month so i'll call that a win! I have cut back on the fast food tremendously (still occasionally dreaming of a juicy whopper from burger king...) and have tried to up my fruits, veggies, leaner meats (except bologna...don't think i could live w/o bologna) and fiber....fiber is my friend :-). My BP was good (121/77) and fundal height was approx 2 inches below my bellybutton (which is where it should be). Baby's HB was at 145...a lot slower than last month but according to my research is still within "Girl-Zone" so I think i'm still on the pink train. I also had bloodwork done (i don't understand why they take so much blood from pregnant women...don't i NEED that blood to help grow this baby???) to see if i'm a CF (cystic fibrosis) carrier.
Physically, my energy level is steadily increasing. I do however feel like i'm falling apart. Horrible back pain when I walk or stand too long. I have had to sleep with a pillow between my knees for the past 2 weeks or so. I'm not sure if it's bc i'm older this time around but I feel like when i was pregnant w Peyton i had a lot more pep in my step. As much as i would love to get up and go for long walks, even on a treadmill, after about 30-60min i'm super uncomfortable and I don't want to overdue it. I'm not sure what i'm afraid will happen, but i know i don't want to over medicate so taking Tylenol every time i feel that way is not really an option. So I either have to endure it or sit down and relax.
Emotionally, I am not as shut off as i have been which my husband appreciates. He also says i am nicer and more pleasant to be around and I even offer to snuggle (snuggling has been a thing of the past for sometime. I haven't liked to be touched or loved on, it would actually agitate me...). I feel like the "mean" mood swings have subsided and i have moved into the more emotional ones. I broke down in tears (happy tears for a friend...however, the situation did not warrant tears) in the middle of the grocery store on Wednesday.....toilet paper commercials on TV get me all choked up...christmas songs are the worst! "Mary did you know" and "Breath of Heaven" have me in a pile of snot and tears...
Next appointment is in 4 weeks (right before new years) and they'll give me the referral for the anatomy scan. They will measure the baby and all the bones (legs, arms, spine etc) and make sure there are no physical abnormalities that cause any concerns of possible genetic disorders since they were unable to do the early T3 scan (or w/e it's called). This would also be the ultrasound in which they would reveal the gender of Baby Toth however, Sean and I have decided NOT to find out the gender. So while we haven't decided if we're going to have a 3D ultrasound to be able to see the baby's face and stuff better, we know we do NOT want to know what he/she has going on between it's legs. Taking bets...you got a 50/50 chance! :-)