Wednesday, November 9, 2011

11w 1d

I realize it has been over a month since i blogged...but based on what i feel to be an "uneventful" pregnancy there really hasn't been a lot to talk about....however over the last few weeks i suppose there are a few updates.

So i had an appointment at 7w1d (October 12) where they did another ultrasound and the doctor had a few concerns bc while they could see one good heartbeat and yolk sac it appeared that there was a second yolk sac after all but the equipment that was being used wasn't able to pick up enough detail. So he gave me a referral to go out in town and have ANOTHER ultrasound (3rd one this pregnancy!) to clarify what couldn't be determined at the OBGYN clinic on base. So, on October 24 at 8w6d the 3rd ultrasound was complete. They were unable to give me the "results" then bc it was just a tech that was doing to procedure and the pictures etc that were taken had to be reviewed by a radiologist.
Got a call from my OB the next morning to let me know that there was in fact two yolk sacs but "Baby A" stopped developing at around 6 weeks. He reassured me that this was very common (apparently 27% of twin pregnancies result in a "vanishing twin") and most people don't even know that this occurred but bc i was being watched so closely so early it was noticed. While we were sad to hear that one of our babies was no longer viable - "Baby B" is looking perfect. Good heartbeat and growing right on schedule. Heart rate was at 170bpm (fast...girl votes based on heart rate anyone?)
So had another appointment today - Heart rate was in the 160's (....still high!!). She gave me some clariten and some saline nasal spray for my allergies. I have had the worst allergies the past week or so. I have these HUGE sneezing fits and it physically hurts my body (causes my shoulders/upper back muscles to HURT from the violent sneezes) and then once everything loosens from the sneezes it makes my ears hurt from the drainage. I don't normally like taking meds - hell i can barely remember to take my prenatal vitamins so adding another pill to my regimen doesn't bode well but i have to do what i have to do to function!
The only concern the doc had was the fact that i have gained 8lbs already. She said i should only gain 25lbs (although from what i've read 25-40 is average and healthy...) so she's concerned that at this rate i could potentially gain 50+....i DO need to revamp how i eat. I have craved JUNK. Fast food greasy grossness. My most recent delicious discovery foodwise has been Hollindaise sauce...oy...a sauce made of egg yolk and butter...can't go wrong! So it's time to step up the health game - I need to think of my baby...and my post baby body :-) Time to start eating more fresh veggies and better cuts of protein. I think its the actual protein that i am craving. When I crave fast food it's always a giant cheese burger etc etc and eggs and i have craved peanut the only consistency is protein...time to find more creative healthy ways to get protein. I picked up some cottage cheese and greek yogurt today. Hopefully that will help....suggestions welcome! (not a huge fan of lentils or raw nuts...)