Friday, September 30, 2011

5 weeks 3 days First Dr. Appointment

Today was an interesting and exciting day. Started as usual...Panera for breakfast (pregnant or not i LOVE their breakfast souffle's) then headed to base for a nail appointment and our first doctor's appointment.
I was a few minutes early for my nail appointment so I ran into the NEX to pee. On my way out i noticed that they had a small maternity section! Over joyed I started to thumb thru things just to get an idea of how much i'll have to spend when the time comes to need maternity clothes. Since i was pregnant during a different season with Peyton all the maternity clothes I saved are more summer clothes and I'll be needing more winter/spring attire for this pregnancy. There was a 50% off rack so being the thrifty shopper I took a quick peek - I found a nice pair of maternity Khaki's marked down to $7! I couldn't pass them up! I get up to the register and apparently they were actually 75% off the red ticket price (the $7...) so I got them for $1.99!!! I was ELATED! So after my nail appointment I went BACK and got 2 dresses! (side note - Maternity dresses...pretty much just dresses that are a little flowy-er :-D) So for a grand total of $12 I got a pair of pants and 2 CUTE dresses! WIN!

Now onto the doctors appointment! When we first got there it was a little confusing bc they had me scheduled for a GYNO follow up patient not an OB patient and didn't realize I already had all my OB stuff together and ready...actually the nurse that took me back didn't even realize i was pregnant. She thought we were just going over lab work! So I told her I had taken care of everything AND talked to my OBGYN and he said he wanted to do an ultrasound to see if we could see/measure the baby. She talked to the doctor and got the ultrasound machine and in came the doc. They tried doing the ultrasound thru the belly first - couldn't see much very clearly, he decided he wanted to do the ultrasound internally. Jokingly i asked "but there's just one in there right?" his response was "That's what we're going to find out". We all breathed a little sigh of relief (and I think to some degree disappointment) when we saw just the one little gestational sac. We were able to see the yolk sac (what will be the placenta) and where the fetal pole was developing (where the heart beat will be once the baby is a little bigger). I haven't felt very pregnant so it was nice to able to actually SEE the baby and have the doctor tell us this is exactly what a 5w3d baby should look like!
Still haven't decided if we want to find out the gender...Sean and I change our mind every other day. I want to be able to decorate the nursery and have everything done but everything "gender neutral" still looks masculine to i don't know. We still have some time to figure it out. Currently we have been referring to the baby as "Cletus the Fetus" and "The little Beaner" and "Mini Mort".... I have decided on names I LOOOOVE but I'm still letting them sink in for Sean.

Still not "feeling" very pregnant...aside from being EXHAUSTED all the time and seeing my weight shift (not really gaining weight but pants already starting to fit snuggly...). I'll probably regret saying all of this in a month. Currently no morning sickness - occasional nausea but it is normally directly coordinated to hunger or until next time!